How graphic designers can make money online with

If you want more freedom in your work life, then providing your design services as a freelancer is the best option for you.


90% of graphic designers work for themselves and earn $20-$150 per hour. If you are ready to work remotely, or are already freelancing, can help you to monetize your talent.


Here are a few ways how you can take advantage of

1️⃣ Get paid for your services. Use paid links to share your work and charge your clients for your services. First, upload the content you created or your report to any cloud storage. Then use Paid.Link, create a new link, add the link to your content, set the price. And send the link to your client. The client will be able to pay in a few clicks to get access to your designs — and no more payment delays.

2️⃣ Sell your design templates, fonts, or learning materials. With, you can sell PDF files, video courses, and more. Upload it to any cloud storage. Create a and send it to those who are interested. Then quickly get your payments.

3️⃣ Sell your time. For example, you can create a link to a scheduled consultation: set your price, add a link to Zoom/Google Meet or any other platforms. Next, send this link to your client. Then the client can quickly pay for your help and get access to the scheduled event.