10 tools to make every busy freelancer’s work life easier

In this internet era, there are endless opportunities for making your work life easier. 


However, finding the best solutions for freelancers takes time. So we’re going to share our favorite tools that will help you make your routines run more smoothly and work more efficiently.


• Legal Zoom is a platform providing a library of basic legal document templates. 

• Canva is a tool for creating beautiful designs without a background in graphic design. 

• Trello and Asana are great tools for organizing your project and collaborating with others. 

• Notion is a notetaking software and project management software.

• Hemingway and Grammarly are the most helpful grammar checking tools. 

• Google Workspace is a collection of free business, productivity, and collaboration software.

• Slack is a business communication platform helping organize internal and client communication.

Paid.link is a tool helping freelancers and remote workers take payments quickly and get paid on time.