Disconnect Zoom from Paid.link and Removing Paid.link from your Zoom

You can disconnect your Zoom from your Paidlink account any time. In order to do that please follow the below steps:


Disconnecting your Zoom from Paid.link and deauthorizing Paid.link application with revoking access token to your Zoom account via Paid.link web site:

  1. Log in to your Paidlink account: https://paid.link/signin/
  2. From the dashboard or from your account settings, click on “Disconnect” next to your Zoom account email address shown in the Service Integration section
  3. Your Zoom account will be disconnected from Paidlink and Paid.link app will be deauthorized by revoking the access token. This means that all the scopes of Zoom integration with Paid.link that you allowed earlier for Paid.link app will no longer be available for Paid.link. Paid.link will have no access to your Zoom account information and your Zoom meetings.

Disconnecting your Zoom from Paid.link integration from Zoom.us website:

  1. Log in to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage > Added Apps or search for the “Paid.link” app. 
  3. Click the ‘Remove’ button.”

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