7 ways to increase your productivity and achieve more in less time

When you work from home, your productivity can be lower. Learning new ideas about focusing and resting may help you work less and achieve more.


1. Do your most demanding tasks in your personal peak productivity time. Not everyone is a morning person.

2. When you switch tasks, your productivity reduces by 40%. Avoid multitasking.

3. Plan your next day before going to bed. So you won’t waste time in the morning.

4. Every day, pick only three tasks you’re going to accomplish. Focus is important for better productivity. 

5. Get rid of distractions. Turn off notifications, declutter your home office to think more clearly. 

6. Exercise during your work hours. This will help you to concentrate on your tasks better. 

7. Work in intervals. Use Pomodoro technique: break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks.

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