Freelance statistics you need to know

Freelancing is the future of work. It’s essential to be aware of statistics to keep up with the constantly changing industry. And if you haven’t thought about switching to freelance, these facts about the gig workers can change your mind.



Freelancers will represent 80% of the global workforce by 2030.

86% of freelancers think the industry has an even brighter future ahead of it. 



78% of gig workers say they’re happier than those working traditional jobs, while 68% say they’re healthier. 

84% of freelancers claim that with freelancing, they can live the lifestyle they want.



A skilled freelancer earns more than 70% of US workers.

65% of freelancers who left a typical day job to start freelancing report they make more money overall than they did working a 9-5 job.


Fun fact: 100% of freelancers who use can easily monetize their talents and time. Give it a shot!